Benefits and Risks

It is not known whether this study will benefit you. However, it could provide research-based genetic screening results that inform you of a genetic variant that increases your risk of cancer.

Gift card

Study participants will receive a gift card upon enrollment.

Free genetic screening

During the research study, a study participant's blood or saliva sample will be screened in the research lab for a number of genes including BRCA1 and BRCA2 among other genes known to increase the risk of developing breast cancer and associated cancers.  

Free genetic counseling

Provided through a partnership with The University of Alabama at Birmingham, genetic counselors advise disease-affected and/or at-risk individuals about the consequences and nature of the inherited disorder.  It also involves risk assessment and discussing disease management strategies.

For all our sakes

Our work is teamwork. We can fight breast cancer together. By participating in research you are helping your family, your community, and the world.

Socio-economic risks

Study participants information will not be accessible to outside parties such as employers, government agencies, or insurance companies unless you specifically consent to this disclosure, unless the law permits, or unless we receive an order from a court of law.

Emotional risks

Knowing genetic screening results can affect each individual differently.  

Risks of blood and saliva donation

A study participant will be asked to provide a blood or saliva sample. In-person study enrollment typically involves the collection of blood samples for DNA extraction. Blood collection is usually not problematic, however, the collection process could cause bleeding, bruising, discomfort, pain, dizziness, or more rarely, infections. When blood sample collection is not possible a saliva sample may be collected. All virtual study enrollment sessions involve collecting saliva samples for DNA extraction. No known risks are associated with saliva donation.

Virtual enrollment risks

The Auburn University secure HIPAA Compliant Zoom video conferencing tool will be used for virtual study enrollment sessions. The risk of hacking into the session is low, but we must acknowledge the possibility of tampering from an outside source.
